Welcome to Eve-Mongoengine

Eve-Mongoengine is and Eve extension, which enables Mongoengine ODM models to be used as eve schema. If you use mongoengine in your application and simultaneously want to use eve, instead of writing schema again in cerberus format, you can use this extension, which takes your mongoengine models and auto-transforms it into creberus schema.



Simple installation using pip:

pip install eve-mongoengine

It loads all dependencies as well (Eve and nothing more!).

For development use virtualenv and editable copy of repisotory:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/hellerstanislav/eve-mongoengine#egg=eve-mongoengine


import mongoengine
from eve import Eve
from eve_mongoengine import EveMongoengine

# create some dummy model class
class Person(mongoengine.Document):
    name = mongoengine.StringField()
    age = mongoengine.IntField()

# default eve settings
my_settings = {
    'MONGO_HOST': 'localhost',
    'MONGO_PORT': 27017,
    'MONGO_DBNAME': 'eve_mongoengine_test'

# init application
app = Eve(settings=my_settings)
# init extension
ext = EveMongoengine(app)
# register model to eve

# let's roll

Or, if you are setting up your data before Eve is initialized, as is the case with application factories:


import mongoengine from eve import Eve from eve_mongoengine import EveMongoengine

ext = EveMongoengine() ... # init application app = Eve(settings=my_settings)

# init extension ext.init_app(app) ...